Monday, November 17, 2008

Soccer Finale

Sunday was the end of our soccer season, and we went out with a bang! We lost, but it was a very intense game! Our team tried their hardest to make it a tie, and that made for a thrilling game. We were very proud of them!

Our game was over an hour away...I think it is one of the furthest fields that we have ever went to in the years our kids have played soccer. It was so windy, and cold! The wind was definately directing the ball most of the time, and nobody knew what it would do whenever it was kicked up in the air!

Some of the parents were able to park right up to the field. Fred and I decided that we were going to get the full experience and sit on the sidelines. We left Allyson with my parents since it was so cold. We bundled up with a few other brave parents. It was so windy at times, I wondered if my camera bag would blow away!

So this concludes the Fall Soccer Season and now we don't have to brave the elements over soccer for awhile so now I need something to occupy Michael's time. Anybody need some work done? KID FOR HIRE!

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