Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Winter Wonderland...

Another day...

Another Blizzard...

Honestly this measurement doesn't accurately gauge our snowfall
because the winds have picked up and the snow is blowing everywhere.

It snowed significantly this past weekend, my son thought he was getting a snow day on Monday, but his school was the only one open in the county.  He was so disappointed!!!

But with last night and today's snowfall, he is now off today and tomorrow.  Also lucky for him, he is off for President's weekend so he doesn't go back to school till Tuesday...6 whole days off!


Jillene said...

I think that we traded weather. It has been almost Spring-like here all week. That is until today. We woke up to snow.

Unknown said...

burr it looks very cold there-- Thanks so much for your comment on my toddler bed-- I also did make the quilt-- and yes it's a rag quilt-- it was the second quilt I've every made but was fun and very easy.