Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Have you had your mammogram?

Tomorrow my Aunt will be having surgery, specifically a lumpectomy, for stage 0, noninvasive breast cancer.  Luckily her cancer was caught early thanks to a yearly mammogram!  Despite her challenges, she has asked that we all spread the word on just how important a mammogram is for a woman's health.

  So if you are of the age, please get your mammograms ladies! 
Early detection can save your life!!! 

My aunt posted this to her facebook account and I thought I'd share....it's a fun way to get across an important message...

Be happy and healthy Aunt Bobbi!!  Love ya!


Denise @ Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys said...

I will keep your aunt in my prayers. I went for my first mammomgram ever last month. It wasnt as bad as most people say it is (except for how cold it was)

Shawn said...

What a wonderful reminder. I'm so glad it was caught early! Prayers to your aunt!