Monday, February 16, 2009

Tonight I have reached my limit....

That is my "blog following limit"...who knew there was such a thing???

"You may only follow 200 blogs per account. Please unfollow some of the blogs you are currently following."

200 blogs...that is not nearly enough!?! I need more!! And like I can really let somebody go and then replace them? I just don't have it my heart.

Seriously. 200. Sheesh..Seriously.


Denise @ Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys said...

thats so funny....I knew about the 200 limit but havent reached it yet. But I should be there ANY DAY NOW, lol

Xazmin said...

umm, that's totally dumb! Why would you have a blog following limit? Again, I say, "dumb".

Samkay said...

LMAO I didn't know there was a limit!!! lol

Anonymous said...

I know!!!!! We need to revolt as a group and tell them to remove that ridiculous limit!

momma said...

that's ridiculous!!! we should revolt - or at least let blogger know how we feel!

if you have some new blogs you want to follow, you might be able to subscribe to some via email or google reader. also, maybe you could see if any of the blogs you follow have a button that you could grab and you could replace them with blogs that don't have a button.

Young Momma said...

So, aside from the dumb rule. How do you manage to read/comment on 200 blogs?!?! lol I give you credit!!!

Me (aka Danielle) said...

Crazy huh! One more reason why I switched to google reader..No Limits! (And you can sort and manage things..)

Debbie said...

Yeah, why is that? You know they could make that an unlimited amount if they wanted to.

Kristen said...

Now I feel special that you read mine because I don't know how you can read 200 but I think putting a limit is dumb you should get to follow anyone that you want to!

momma said...

thanks for being a new friend. i have an award for you! come on over and get it!