Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My poor neglected blog....I've missed you!

You know it has been awhile since you blogged when family starts called you and emailing you asking why you haven't blogged.  Sorry to let everybody down, but we are in the midst of chaos over here.  So here is a little update on life at Foxtale Follies.

Collin is graduating in one short month from high school, and he has picked out the college he will attend.  He is working his butt off at two jobs trying to save enough money to cover his college tuition to avoid student debt.  We are soooo proud of him for trying to avoid debt, and hope that we can help him in as many ways possible.   I can't believe that he will be leaving us at the end of August to go live on campus...we are so excited for him, but sad to see him go.  Although he assures us that he will be home every weekend, we are pretty sure that won't be happening.  Last week was prom so things have been a whirlwind of excitment around here!

Michael has grown a foot in about a week.  I realized it one day when I was lecturing him, and he was eye level with me...I actually had to stop what I was saying and regroup.  I am six foot tall so he will be well over that, but I am not surprised...I always knew he would be the tall and skinny one.  He reminds me a lot of my brother.  He is really getting into bike riding, and that has been nice for him and his dad to do together.  And he keeps bringing up the rule I have about no girlfriends until college...yeah, I am thinking someone is on his radar, but he is only in 7th grade...so really, does he need a girlfriend right now??  I think not!  Right?!

Ally is getting ready to turn 4 next month, and wants a big party.  I am pretty sure she isn't getting a big party!  She has been such a joy to be around, and I am so glad that I have been able to be home with her through these years.  Having a girl is way different than having boys, that I can say.  But I have enjoyed both immensely, and I am really thankful that we were blessed with a girl.  Each of the kids has brought us so much happiness! 


And then onto our little suprise venture....this one really, really threw us for a loop.  I always wanted a big family, my husband never envisioned having a big family.  It's funny how things work out.  We both decided after our daughter that we were not having anymore.  We had a plan, I was going back to school once our daughter was in school herself.  But one pregnancy test later, and life is what happens when you are busy making plans.  We've accepted it, we're even excited about it.  We find out next week what "it" is so we are happily making our predictions. 

So that is life at the moment.  Between party planning, doctors appointments, a camping trip, morning sickness, and the rigors of daily life we have been really, really busy, but not to worry....we're still around! (-;


Kristen said...

Well life gets busy but good to see you back and congratuations.

Denise @ Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys said...

Thats one handsome boy you have there!!!